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Story about salt told for years
1500 years of tradition
Family production passed down through the generations
Hand picked salt with lots of love

Story of the salt

At the Nin Saltworks the salt is not produced by the machines. It is not produced by the man either. The salt is produced by the sun, sea and wind. The salt from Nin is ecological, therapeutic and biodynamic because in its production, besides people, participates diverse wildlife, plenty of beaches and healing mud. Read more

Solana Nin products are made by hand.

They are created with love.

Salt of the Adriatic Sea, sun, wind and human hands - traditionally produced and hand-picked
People are the greatest strength of Nin Saltworks because they have been living with saltworks for years.
Family tradition cherished for 1500 years

For centuries, Solana Nin has been giving life. It has nourished many generations. She adopted many plants and animals. The love of salt is passed down from generation to generation. In the Nin Saltworks, salt is not produced by a machine. Salt is not produced by man either. Salt is produced by the sun, sea, and wind. The human hand picks it only with love. And that for generations.

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They said about us Visitor experiences
"Salt is pure flavor. This salt is beautiful in it's texture, flavor and delivery."
Mar Best. Marque restaurant, Australia
"Thanks a lot it was very well guided tour to understand and discover where comes our salt from and how it is produced."
Thanks from Germany
"Molto bello, abbiamo visito un posto bellissimo."
La famiglia Vianello. Italia
"Ideja Vam je odlična i lijepo je da se ovakva tradicija čuva i prenosi dalje kroz vrijeme. Želim Vam mnogo uspjeha u daljnjem radu."
Tajana iz Karlovca
"Ideja, dizajn za svaku pohvalu. Interesantno!"
Maria i Petar, Petrinja
"Úžasné, krásne! Človek si ani neuvedomi aká je soĺ uzácna pracná a krašna zároveň. Dákujeme!"
Mikulášovci zo Slovenska
"Fantastic tour of the Saltworks. Our family learnt a lot about Nin salt; and highly recommend it!"
Adil, Anita, Yanna, Zaim, Alvira
"It was great to see how this worked in the old times."
The Honath's from Hungary
"It is very good to see that you saved your tradition „seasalt-work“. I'm very proud of you."
Panida T., Thailand
"Very impressive guided tour, really enjoyable, interactive, well-thought. Keep on the good work!"
Julia & Zoli from Hungary
"Krásny obchod, lúdia, krajina a zažitek. Dúfame, že bude možnosť vraťiť sa späť."
Family from Slovakia
"Thank you for a very nice tour, we liked your ecological approach. All the best!"
Dominik and Leon
"Thank you, what a beautiful trade & history."
from Washington DC
"This pretty exhibition about the history of salt here was so informative and easy to remember. All those salt-products are perfect souvenirs that make us smile at home. Thank you for your service!"
Beáte and Patrik from Hungary
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